Tag: museum design

Weeks 12 & 13

go to link This week was spent bringing the final interaction to life, that of the typewriter and projection, along with bringing all three interactions together into one Max patch. The Typewriter…


User Testing

Buy Genuine Valium Online This week I had the opportunity to user test both the phone and TV interactions. Here are some of the highlights and feedback. User Testing from Angela at…

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Week 11 Updates

Buy Diazepam Amazon “Don’t be afraid to break things.” – Me, after this week This week saw a lot of progress in the way of content, user testing and tech.  Here…


Week 10

Buy Diazepam Roche This week I continued to work simultaneously on the tech and the content. Tech Update TV After my conversation with Eric Rosenthal last week, I knew I could…

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Quick & Dirty Show

Order Valium Uk The Quick & Dirty show was a great opportunity to set up the shell of the exhibit and test out several of the interactions. For this event I…

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Prototyping + Pre-Quick & Dirty Show Updates

https://www.drcarolineedwards.com/2024/09/18/ce6p1ccc Here are some updates leading in to the Quick & Dirty Show on March 28th. Technology I spent this week trying to get the phone to isadora interaction…


Spring Break Updates

https://marcosgerente.com.br/swkgfcrn4bw After gathering all of the content I plan to use, and as we approach the Quick and Dirty Show in less than two weeks I have divided my…

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https://www.fandangotrading.com/5ifkqud THESIS STATEMENT: How can I create an innovative and interactive experience/exhibit that tells a piece of the story of Women in Comedy through research, development, and prototyping the interactions?…


Week 4 Progress

https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/gzn6grsogh Thesis Approval Progress I spent the majority of this week working working on narrowing down the scope of this project and finally landed on a solid concept that was approved…

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Museum of Funny Ladies, Cabinets of Wonder Final Case Statement

https://www.modulocapital.com.br/jq03s12 Cabinets of Wonder, Fall 2016

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