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Week 4 Progress

source Thesis Approval Progress I spent the majority of this week working working on narrowing down the scope of this project and finally landed on a solid concept that was approved…


Stand P-UP, Creating a Lighting Controller for a Toy (Poodle) Sized Stage

Safe Tramadol Online Design Challenge: Using an RGB LED, create a lighting controller with faders for changing brightness and color channels, on-off switch, and a control feature to interrupt the fade. Stand P-UP,…


Imagined Outputs & Visuals

Tramadol Prices Online Challenge: Imagine this project in as many ways as you can. *Please refer to the Original Case Statement for reference. This shows exactly how exhibits and interactions would…


Museum of Funny Ladies, Cabinets of Wonder Final Case Statement

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/lphrootq60 Cabinets of Wonder, Fall 2016

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Cornell Box

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/u8qddv7ny96 This Cornell Box expresses the three categorical genres of female comedians that I wish to create this experience around: stage, screen and script. Women of the Screen Women…


Thesis Updates: Additional Exhibition Ideas Not in Case Statement

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/tjj23e216 The plan for thesis is to physically build out a piece of the Museum of Funny Ladies, featuring the ladies of film, screen and script. The form is yet…

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Don’t Forget Soap: An Interaction Projection Installation

https://www.mreavoice.org/rnvwavge6q Don’t Forget Soap! an interactive installation by Annie Goodfriend & Angela Perrone Design Challenge: Augment a physical space keeping with the three rules of AR/MR Concept Don’t Forget Soap was created…

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source YET TO BE TITLED IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE FEATURING NOSTALGIA, STORY AND ILLUSION Huffington Post, May 32, 2017 People say the future is here, but so is the past! It…

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Preliminary Research

enter site “The artist’s vision demands new tools to realize that vision, and every now and then the artist turns out to be a toolmaker as well.” – Steven Johnson,…

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Creating a Game Controller with USB Keyboard Functionality

watch Design Challenge: Create a game controller that uses HID output, controls w, s, a, d keyboard presses, and comes together to play Atari’s Lunar Landing.   The Controller This game…

enter http://www.mscnantes.org/sw8g0ff Tramadol Online Nz go https://www.mbtn.net/?p=xm4hqgvn7db https://guelph-real-estate.ca/8g1wsj3bhl source link