PComp Final: O.K9

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PComp Final Coming Along: Putting It Together

https://lpgventures.com/nssq2dpm   Coding and electrons building aside, creating the casing and skeleton for the eyes and the tail was quite the task.   I was lucky enough to come…


Accelerometer + Servo = …

Tramadol Legal To Buy For the sake of time, I had changed course to map the servo motors to the Ultrasonic Sensor. However, since I “had time”, I decided to test out…


Misery Loves PCOMPany: Connecting the Ultrasonic Sensor to the DC Motor

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/3ukknzg7h3z Nothing has been more of a time worm hole than working with the DC motor. Even doing the labs it took hours and hours to get the step by…


Testing the Ultrasonic Sensor

https://www.yolascafe.com/d1tmm9by With the help of these: data sheet, tutorial and Arduino reference, I was able to get the ultrasonic sensor to send back data in centimeters.  I did some hacking and…

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Final Project Update: 11/18/2015

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Mot-or Bust

go The motor labs play a key role in my final project, as it stands currently. So I am trying to absorb as much as I can.   LAB…

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Final Project: Play Testing (PCOMP)

Order Tramadol Online India Today I was able to user test with 7 people, all of whom offered great feedback, inspiration and insight into the next step of my project (which, by…

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Final Project: Plan, BOM, Timeline

https://alldayelectrician.com/tqg1j4v4rrb       For my final project, I have decided to push forward with O.K.9, the alternative option for pet therapy.   THE PLAN        …


Final Project Idea Mash-Up

see url To complicate matters, I have come up with a shopping list of ideas for final projects. Here are the finalists: BARK/ART BARK/ART tracks a dog’s vocal activity, as…

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