Author: angela Page 7 of 14

Energy: Measurement by Angela Perrone & Xiwei Huang

Good Boy, Sammy (In Development II) Good Boy, Sammy has come a long way this week, with a ready-to-go prototype. #holoSam Good Boy, Sammy: Working Prototype from Angela at ITP on Vimeo. Video: I…

“Justification of Putting An Audience Through a Difficult Evening” – Response I like Shawn’s idea regarding an audience having the feeling of superiority when watching old movies, films etc related to horrific events  such as the holocaust. We know more…


Good Boy, Sammy (in development)

Tramadol 50 Mg Buy Good Boy, Sammy is an interactive hologram experience, where the user can interact with the dog and make him do tricks on command. BACKSTORY From 1998-2015, Sammy was…

Projection Mapping ITP, In a Nutshell           Inspired by the Winter and Spring shows, that are basically ITP, in a nutshell, I give you ITP, In a…

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Einstein’s Dreams, an exploration of time

source link I’ve always struggled with time, confined by its parameters that are either too strict or too loose. There is either too much time or not enough. It passes…

Pawnetic Playground (Final Project Proposal) Pawnetic Playground by angela perrone & xiwei haung 7-WORD SLUG LINE (okay, so it’s 10 words) From Kibble To Kinetic: Harvesting Energy From Dogs at Play—> 7 words…

The Lonely, Old Dresser

see url created by Gal Nissim, Angela Perrone, Thea Rae [add final documentation video here] An old dresser,whose friends and loved ones have gone forever, sits alone in a corner…

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Solar Challenge: Beam Robot by Angela Perrone & Naoki Ishizuka Meet BoomBot, an audio cassette tape robot that is powered by the sun, BRINING HIM TO LIFE          …

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Innoshima, A Mapumentary

Online Tramadol Overnight Delivery (Link to full map) Innoshima, a small island in Hiroshima Prefecture, floats in the Seto Inland Sea. Despite its size and remote location, it has a distinct and robust…
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