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Sensor Project – Rotary Switch Description This 10-position Rotary Switch from Sparkfun Electronics (product number 13253) allows for 10 different states to be read from a single center spoke. A breakout board for this…

Sound Controller Design Challenge: Create a sound controller that can perform 6 functions: play/stop, pause/play, skip ahead, skip back, fast forward, random song that can be used by someone visually impaired….

Week 4 Progress

source url Thesis Approval Progress I spent the majority of this week working working on narrowing down the scope of this project and finally landed on a solid concept that was approved…

Funny Ladies, A Museumette Celebrating the Pioneer Women of Comedy Writing- A WIP Project

go to link *Please note that this page is a work in progress. Exact interactions and layout will be solidified at the end of the research phase. Welcome to the Writers…

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Working Bibliography

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Stand P-UP, Creating a Lighting Controller for a Toy (Poodle) Sized Stage Design Challenge: Using an RGB LED, create a lighting controller with faders for changing brightness and color channels, on-off switch, and a control feature to interrupt the fade. Stand P-UP,…

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Imagined Outputs & Visuals

Can You Purchase Tramadol Online Challenge: Imagine this project in as many ways as you can. *Please refer to the Original Case Statement for reference. This shows exactly how exhibits and interactions would…

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Museum of Funny Ladies, Cabinets of Wonder Final Case Statement

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Week 2 Update This week I believe I had a breakthrough in the direction that I want to take the concept, and based on that I did a lot of reaching…

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