Final Project: Plan, BOM, Timeline  

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Buy Diazepam 2Mg Online Uk For my final project, I have decided to push forward with O.K.9, the alternative option for pet therapy.

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  1. Distance Sensor reads proximity. When user is in a certain range, the dog’s tongue comes out for a lick. This is made possible by the servo motor.
  2. When you pet the dog on the back, the force/touch sensor will pick up the range of the force. Depending on what is mapped to that range, an on-screen interaction with the dog will happen.
  3. When you scratch the dog’s “spot” on his/her belly, the tail will wag. This is controlled by a force/touch sensor mapped to a range. The tail will wag via a servo motor.
  4. When the user hugs the dog, the dog will react on the screen interface, depending on the range mapped to the flex sensor.

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follow url Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.25.34 PM TIMELINE

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Buy Valium 10 Mg Online I know that this is an ambitious project, so I am sure that not all of the interactions will get accomplished during this first iteration of the idea. Here are some questions that I have for users during play testing:

  1. What are the most important interactions that I have projected to accomplish? Which one(s) make you as a user feel better in the process?
  2. Which interactions (perhaps not on this agenda) with a dog or pet make you feel better?
  3. What material would you prefer to see the physical interface made of – plush, felted wooling, fabric, other?
  4. What on-screen visuals would make you feel better, when interacting with the stuffed physical interface – live action video, sounds, other types of visuals?
  5. What are the best sensors for the petting and belly scratch? Force or touch? ← Previous post

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1 Comment

  1. This is awesome! I really enjoy your concept, and just based off of my own family’s challenges in hospitals and dogs, I can really appreciate the driving thought behind this. Excited to see it come into fruition.