October 2016

On the Grid with Rune.js

source design challenge Use a grid system in Rune.js to create a book cover the design plan I wanted to create the book cover for Dogs and Demons: The Fall…

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Pop-Up Window: Concept & Plan

https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/online-prescriptions-valium.php Team GLAM Gal Nissim Lindsey Johnson Angela Perrone Michelle Hessel Concept: Current Times (working title) Social commentary on current times where people are in a physical world yet…

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Typography with Rune.js: 一期一会

https://tvnordestevip.com/vbd3ve0a31 design challenge Design a typeface based on the meaning of a word using rule-based logic. 一期一会 ichi go ichi e, one time, one meeting, a 4-character Japanese phrase meaning…

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In-Tense: Intro To Color in Rune.Js

https://thelowegroupltd.com/c6f8r43w85z design challenge Using HSV color, create a design that illustrates the feeling of “tense.” Program this in a way so that each time you generate the sketch, a…


Getting into the Algorithm

https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/1o9yhqmp Design Challenge: Create a design based on algorithmic code in Processing. The Process Using the various examples from class, I tested out the different generative and reactive algorithms…


Trip Report: AMNH

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