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[add final documentation video here]source An old dresser,whose friends and loved ones have gone forever, sits alone in a corner wanting nothing but company, yet finds it hard to leave the comfort zone of solitude. As one approaches the drawers, they are scared away, even pushed away by this lonely pile of wood. But if one hangs around long enough, the drawers will warm up to the stranger and make a gesture and reveal a secret.

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1)When an individual approaches, the bottom drawer of the dresser will shake to scare them away
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2) The top drawer will open several times, coughing and pushing the person away even more
Order Tramadol Overnight A larger DC motor is attached to the back of the top drawer with a string, eye screws and a spring. The spring allows for the drawer to pull back after only opening so much via the string. The string is wrapped around a gear-liked head on the shaft of the motor.
here testingthemotors from Gal Nissim on Vimeo.
Buying Tramadol Online Legal A clear plastic tube connects to a water pump that sits inside of small box, filled with saw dust. The pump sends out saw dust to complement the coughing sounds when the drawer opens and closes. The dust represents a cough, as well as a dilapidated, falling apart dresser body.
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https://www.yolascafe.com/dzh3wa9c The second-from-the-top drawer is set up the same way as the top drawer, with a DC motor, string, eye screws and a spring. Inside this drawer is a Pepper’s Ghost illusion that reveals a memory held within the drawer. This is set up with a cell phone showing a video on loop, projected onto an acrylic sheet at a 45 degree angle.
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[vimeo 158279247 w=500 h=889]
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