go Working with leaflet.js was my first real attempt at jumping into a non-p5 java script library, as well as working in creative HTML/CSS (outside of WordPress many moons ago). With the in class tools, the example code, and the grande palette that is open source, I was able to deconstruct and create a digital map.
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Sublime Text Editor
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Class Github Repo
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herehttps://thelowegroupltd.com/2awplur7 I started with a bank canvas in sublime text, and worked my way to the first map. I set the location as Innoshima, Japan, a small island that I lived on for 2 years. I wanted to give the map some character by having 4 different style maps of the same location. Using Stamen and Carto DB, I was able to accomplish that. Once I understood how to set up the grammar in the code, I was able to play with location and move the maps to the desired 4 corners of the page.
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go herehere Once I had the maps aligned, I played around with the HTML/CSS to try to get the title to show, however I was unsuccessful with that.
http://lisapriceblog.com/3m6o98zulgo site I did, however, find success with adding my code to github through the terminal. I still need to create a branch to post it to in the Maps repo, I am dancing with joy that I made it this far.
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